Collection: Lancia Art Prints

Lancia is an Italian car manufacturer, founded in Turin in 1906. Lancia is well-known among fans of performance motorsport, particularly for its success in the World Rally Championship (WRC) throughout the 1970s and 1980s, with classic cars such as the Lancia Delta and Lancia Stratos.
Lancia Art Prints
  • Carbon-Neutral Studio

    Our studio, where our art prints are planned, illustrated, and printed, uses a green energy tariff. Every watt of energy that goes into our art prints is 100% renewable.

  • Ethically Sourced Paper

    We endeavour to always get our paper from ethical sources, such as Forest Stewardship Council certified paper from responsible sources.

  • Plastic-Free Packaging

    Our print orders are packaged without any plastics. Prints are fixed to cardboard backing boards using paper masking tape, and covered with tissue paper sheets.